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More Member Benefits

LOYALTY PROGRAM– For more information Click Here
WISH LISTS – Create all types of lists like; birthday, Christmas, My favourites, etc.
LAYBY – Access to our 8 week layby facilities
• 1st ORDER DISCOUNT – Get 10% off your first purchase (Don’t forget the “ONE OFF BONUS” before purchasing, your discount could be 12.5%)
• A ONE OFF BONUS – Share our website and facebook page on your facebook timeline or on other social media, and tag us in it to receive another 2.5% off your first order.
• FRIEND REFERRAL BONUS  – For every friend that creates an account and mentions your name when signing up, you receive a 2.5% discount bonus on your next order. The more friends sign up, the more discounts you get. (Limit – 5 friends per month)
• FRIENDS 1ST ORDER BONUS  – Receive up to 5% discount from your friends 1st order (Conditions ~ 1. They must be a member 2. Their order must be either $30 to $50 – your bonus 2.5%, $51 to $120 – your bonus 3.8%, over $121 – your bonus 5%). (Limit – 5 friends per month)